About Me

I love reading blogs, but since graduating from college, I had trouble finding a good lifestyle blog that I could relate to. The ones I used to follow were either professional bloggers who embarked on fun little DIY projects (which I no longer have time for), or fashionistas with outfits so fashion forward it would be very much frowned upon to replicate in the corporate environment.

I searched high and low for a good lifestyle blog written by a young professional, with tips on how to dress for work (because god knows I really did not - my colleague once asked me why I was dressed like a "nun fell through the rainbow") or meals that you could whip up in under 30 minutes (I'm looking at you  Ramsay, your 30 minute meals are never as easy as they seem).

But I couldn't find one. So I decided to take matters in my own hand and www.thatworkinglife.com was born.

I don't profess to be an expert on what to wear to work or how to make quick, delicious meals, but I'm here to share my tips and recipes whenever I can.

I would love to hear from you if you have any advice!
thatworkinglife [at] gmail.com

(Photographer: Brian Dai)
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