Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Favorite things

Since we're on the topic of favorite things, I thought, why not do a post on my favorite things in NYC. I admit, I've only lived in New York City for 3 years. What right do I have to proclaim I know what's the best in NYC? But then again, why the hell not?

1) The best part of living in NYC this summer was waking up to this every single morning. Those brief quiet moments when the hustle and bustle melts away and it's just the wind, your breath and shades of pink and orange.

2) Battery Park. If you haven't done so already, please please please do bike on along the Hudson and spend a lazy, sunny afternoon here. It's true, the closer to South Ferry you get, the more tourists you find, but walk towards Stuyvesant and you're sure to find a quiet tucked away slice of heaven. Bring a book and if you've got a sweet tooth like me, grab a sorbet from Ciao Bella right around the corner. (You have got to try the Blood Orange and Grapefruit Campari. It is to die for!). There's also an adorable little area to go mini golfing a little further up on Pier 25. It's an absolutely perfect place for a date as the sun sets behind you. And if you're lucky, I've chanced upon board games that the friendly neighbors in the area provide for free!

3) Best chocolate chip cookies in town? Definitely Joe's Salted Chocolate Chip Cookies. They are perfectly chewy and the salt perfectly balances out the decadence of the chocolate. I hear their coffee is very on-point too. But since I can't handle my caffeine, I tend towards their chai latte, which unfortunately was not hot at all today and on a chilly winter morning, nothing is worse than a cup of lukewarm mediocrity.

Post to be continued.
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It's a gloomy, drizzling afternoon here in New York and the clock has barely clicked 5 and it's already pitch black outside. So to cure the slightly depressing mood, I've heated up a scone from Alice's teacup, made myself a cup of tea and for lack of better things to do, decided hey, maybe it's time to join the masses and see just why everyone nowadays is blogging. And so, tada, here I am.

So I'm sitting here in this slightly-too-big-and-too-comfortable-to-be-condusive-to-any-work-butterfly-chair of mine, looking around for inspiration and decided, why not do a post about my room. I've heard somewhere that a person's bedroom is very telling. So it seems apt that this be my very first soul-baring post.

1) My favorite corner in my room. Complete with stacks of magazines and twinkling Christmas lights bottled up in a jar.

2) My jewelry wall.

3) What I wake up to every morning--beautiful red paper cutout and photographs of home.

4) And lastly, just a little holiday cheer to look forward to.
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