Tuesday, September 30, 2014

What to wear to work: A guide to men's shoes

Since Paul has scathingly warned you boys not to wear square toed shoes to work in his last post here, I thought I'd invite him back and share some tips on how to find a pair of men's shoes for work.


Just like picking out any piece of clothing, the cut or shape of the item is the key to making it look good.
Let's break it down for shoes.

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Monday, September 22, 2014

What to wear to work: A lesson in layering for fall


Welcome to that awkward time of the year where it's not warm enough to saunter around town in just a shift dress, but also not cold enough for a full on coat. 

The solution? 

But just how do you layer fashionably and appropriately for work? 

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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Greek yogurt w/ dark chocolate, orange and pistachios

Healthy dessert

Yogurt, meh. 

That was how I felt before my freshman year roommate introduced me to Greek yogurt.  I remember trying a bite of her 2% Fage with honey and my world has never been the same (dramatic, I know). But as with most other things, you grow accustomed to it and the excitement fades. Life went on - day in day out, a Greek yogurt here and there. 


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Tuesday, September 9, 2014

What to Wear to Work (Men's Edition): It's not hip to be square

So far, my blog has been focused on helping girls figure out what to wear to work, but it doesn't mean boys don't have their own wardrobe troubles as well. So I’ve enlisted my very fashionable friend Paul to help out with a “What to Wear to Work” series from a guy’s perspective.

First up, Paul’s take on shoes for work (or rather, shoes you should not be wearing to work).

square toed shoes

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Thursday, September 4, 2014

What to wear to work: Summer Florals


Is it just me or did this week feel more like summer than the entire month of July and August? This beautiful weather is making it almost torturous to sit still at work (it doesn't help that my desk is shafted and gets zero sunlight). All I can think about is how I can beat the setting sun so I can soak up the last rays and slurp on one more melty ice cream cone.  

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Tuesday, September 2, 2014

30 minute meals: Breakfast Flowers (Eggs in bell peppers)

30 minute meal - breakfast flowers

Bookmark this for the next time you're trying to impress someone with breakfast in bed.  These sunny side up eggs cracked into flower shaped bell peppers takes a grand total of fifteen minutes and your thoughtfulness (and creativity!) will no doubt bring a smile to their face. 

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