Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Monday Munchies: Gingered peach pavlovas

I can blame it on polar vortex and my body's intense craving for sunshine and cotton candy, but I won't. I'm just lazy. There really is no other excuse. I was going to write this post back in summer when I first made these gingered peach pavlovas (I even uploaded the photos!) but never got around to adding words. In retrospect, I probably should have done it back then, when peaches were in season and you'd be more inspired to make this.

But here I am nonetheless. 

There are certain things that go well together - dark chocolate and sea salt, blue cheese and pruny dates, and my latest discovery - gingered peach and pavlovas. 

Pavlovas are basically whipped eggwhites, sweetened with sugar then baked until it forms a crisp, light, outer shell. Basically a meringue but with a marshmallow-y center. They're definitely on the sweeter end of the spectrum which is why the gingered peaches goes so well with it. It also gives a nice crunch to the pillow-y peaches.

I know it's almost brutal to think about biting into a soft, juicy peach when it's so cold outside. But hey - light at the end of the tunnel, right? Maybe with this you can trick your body into thinking it's not subzero outside. 

Recipe after the jump
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