Tuesday, January 27, 2015

What to wear to... the gym?!

Since this blog is focused on the nuances of working life, I thought I'd share a few tips on how I managed to balance work and fitness. Or let's be real, how to add fitness into your working life.

For years I had been lazy, wanting to sit at home and watch TV after a long day at work instead of hitting the gym. And for too many New Year’s, I would tell myself - new year new me and resolve to work out at least once a week. Only to end the year feeling fat, drained and unaccomplished, and repeating the cycle the following year.  

This past year though, I finally put my foot down and decided it really was time to check this one off the list. I decided I had to come up with an actual step-by-step guide, instead of just going about my day with this lofty “I need to work out more” goal at the back of my mind.

Here are the four steps I took to get out of this fitness rut - 

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Monday, January 26, 2015

Weekend Travel: Austin, USA

New York City is in the middle of a historic snowpocalypse and this whole snow-slapping-against-my-face and bracing myself for the 40 mph gusts of wind on my commute to work is making me dream of much milder temperatures. So if you’re like me and looking to escape the frigidity but aren't looking for a beach getaway (uh not even close to being bikini ready, pls), I strongly recommend Austin, TX.

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Monday, January 19, 2015

What to wear to work: Vests

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Friday, January 16, 2015

30 minute meals: Baked eggs & salsa

Sorry for the hiatus - jet lag got the best of me and I pretty much spent every free moment either knocked out on any flat surface I could find or trying desperately to fall asleep. But now that my sleeping (and eating!) schedule has returned to normal, I thought I'd share a quick recipe that I came up with in these last few days of sleepy delirium. 
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Friday, January 2, 2015

What to wear to work: Casual Friday

Here's a casual one, for those of you lucky enough to not have a dress code for work.  I picked a top with a little sparkle on the sleeves, but covered it up with a slightly more proper tweed jacket to make it office friendly.  This is the perfect outfit for those of you with after work plans, all you gotta do is shed the tweed, add a clutch and voila - happy hour ready! 
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Thursday, January 1, 2015

What to do this weekend: Dyker Heights Christmas Lights, Brooklyn

Happy New Year!

If you still haven't gotten tired of anything and everything Christmas and you're looking for something different to do this weekend, go check out Dyker Heights in Brooklyn! It's a quaint suburban town drenched head to toe (or I guess floor to ceiling and foyer to chimney) in Christmas lights.  Every year, this predominantly Italian-American community competes for the most festive home (although in some cases, you'd think they were fighting for the gaudiest Christmas graveyard).  All New York City snarky-ness aside, some houses really are phenomenal, complete with carousels, elves workshops, life size snow globes and even dancing ballerinas! It really does give the decorations on NYC's Fifth Ave a run for its money.

I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking.

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What to wear to work: NYE edition

Happy New Year's Eve! 

I've always been a strong believer that NYE should be a public holiday. I mean honestly, wouldn't we all rather spend the last day of the year with family and friends, instead of frantically trying to wrap things up at work? But since this has yet to materialize, I guess we'll just make do with some sparkle. And tonight, all you have to do is swap out that button up and blazer for a silky camisole, add a bright lip and you're well on your way to kissing 2014 goodbye. 
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