Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Winter Blues

I'm so tired of winter. So sick of barren trees, monochrome outfits, bowed heads and hastening footsteps away from the cold. I guess we can blame this on growing up in Hong Kong where it never drops below 10C.  But I miss colors! The warmth! Twirling around in big floaty skirts! And bare legs!  Ahh, 10 more days before I head off to boundless warmth, and vast expanses of sand and sea. I really can't wait.

But until then, here's a fashionista who has found the perfect recipe to fight the winter blues -- neon green on orange. Who knew?! 
(Source: The Sartorialist)

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Thursday, February 23, 2012

London Fashion Week -- Alexander McQueen

To wrap up London Fashion Week, it only seems apt to write about the thoroughly British (and frankly, since the namesake's death, sometimes overhyped and borderline cliche) brand -- Alexander McQueen. Their Fall/Winter 2012 collection, as always, did not disappoint. I must say Sarah Burton really has done an amazing job filling in McQueen's big shoes.
It was a collection of dark, lush fabrics and dramatic hourglass shapes (highlighted by a strong belt and full A-line skirts). Intricate tulle and lace details were balanced by luscious, buttery velvet and boots laced up to the thighs. And to prevent it from being too pretty and boring, the collection was topped off with bold hair, thinning faces and jutting cheekbones -- just the perfect amount of McQueen edginess.
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Sunday, February 19, 2012

On fairytales

As cynical as New York City has made me, I'll always have a soft spot for princesses and happily-ever-afters. Perhaps it reminds me of a time innocence and purity, when I still believed in princes who swooped in at times of distress. Society has taught me to be strong and independent, to stop relying on men, to scoff at couples tangled up in each other and mock those who still believe in happily-ever-afters. But Disney's Millennium Celebration campaign called up that little girl deep within me and I just had to share a little of this tingly magic with all of you cynics out there (yes, you!). Of course, Annie Liebovitz and a star-speckled cast never hurts.

Now, a few of my favorites.
For more, click here.
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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

NYFW - Monique Lhuillier Fall 2012

A hint of lace and milky skin. 
A whole lot of dark, gothic va-va-voom.
Is it just me or do these last two pieces remind you of Alexander McQueen sans lacy headgear?
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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

We go together like...

Here's a more Valentines appropriate set from the very same guys who gave us the hilarious Dear Blank, Please Blank. Enjoy!
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A very dorky Valentine's

Call me a dork but I'm kind of in love with Ben Kling's nerdy Valentine's cards. For more check out his tumblr here.

And as an econ major, The 14 ways an Economist says I love you made my dorky little self smile and cringe at the same time. 
Here are a couple personal favorites:
And one more (I promise this is the last of my love for all things dorky today!) -- copy and paste this into google :)

sqrt(6-x^2), (sqrt(cos(x))*cos(300x)+sqrt(abs(x))-0.7)*(4-x*x)^0.01, -sqrt(6-x^2) from -4.5 to 4.5


Ok I lied, one more then I promise I'll shut up about Valentine's Day. 

An oldie, but a goodie. This video never fails to make me smile and turn me into mush. The utter innocence, sheer excitement and cheekiness of it all (Let's hear a big fat AWW! on three) But I must say the best part has got to be the adults telling them to stop hahhaha.

Lots and lots of love xx

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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sunny Sundays

A brief compilation of the things that made me smile this week!
Um, how adorable is it this pasta measurement tool? I could eat a horse too!

The best way to fight those rainy days 

Print your toast

Advertising war!

Chinglish (It actually took me a while to realize what was going on haha)

Food inspired flags

A truly smart smartphone! Someone really needs to make one for drunk dialing

What a great idea!

Hilarious--Kill, Fuck, Marry but with cheese.

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Saturday, February 11, 2012

Swagga swagga, child

Okay, I'll admit it, I'm a huge baby person. I'm that girl that turns into complete and utter mush and starts babbling in baby talk whenever these mini little things are around. Especially in the winter, when they're waddling around in their huge puffy coats. (Am I the only one who gets tempted to kick them around? I mean come on! They're just so... round! And fluffy!) So this website is kind of the best thing that anyone has possibly put together since Alexander Wang's niece showed up at New York Fashion Week last fall.
For more children with swagger click here. 

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Friday, February 10, 2012

I know that feel, bro

1) Obsolete technology? I know that feel, bro.
2) Itty bitty living space? I know that feel, bro.
3) Expendable minion? I know that feel, bro.


Misery and shared distaste are possibly the quickest ways to bond (how unfortunate) and this graphic designer has perfectly manipulated this to create these geeky combos. For more check out his tumblr here!

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Thursday, February 9, 2012


In anticipation of the most dreaded holiday of the year (I know, I know... we really don't need any more reminders that Valentine's is coming up) but honestly, how can anyone not be in love with Garance Dore?!

Here The Sartorialist's Scott Schuman and girlfriend Garance Dore (possibly the cutest fashion photographer couple! swooooon) partner up for a Valentine's inspired project for Tiffany and Co.
(Disclaimer: only click the above link if you're prepared for tons of lovey-dovey-sappiness. You've been warned!)

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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Chanel Spring 2012 Ads

Chanel's Spring 2012 ads in black and white perfectly captures the timelessness of the brand. (The perfectly slicked and parted hair and the classic Chanel tweed jackets doesn't hurt either!) But the acrobatic poses and cartoonish puffy sleeves injects just the right amount of youth and spontaneity to prevent it from being too much of your grandmother's brand. 

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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Paris vs NY

How adorably cheeky is graphic designer Vahram Muratyan's work?! The ingenious simplicity of the message provides such easy relief, particularly at a time when we are constantly bombarded with information.  My personal favorite is definitely the comparison of the two famed filmmakers (who knew you could tell so much from a pair of eyes and glasses?!). Although I must say the dog one was a good laugh! 

For more of his works, check out his website here. He's also come out with his own book, and I think it'd make a perfect coffee table read, no? Definitely a great gift for that wanna-be-Parisian friend you've got (we'e all got one, don't lie!).

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